Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Just Giddy

There are about five weeks left 'til the end of the school year around these parts and although I love my job, oh yes I do, I am giddy, just positively giddy at the thought of Summer and Its Possibilities. I have emailed Mary Beth at saltandchocolate, privately (oops, not anymore! Sorry Mary Beth!), cajoling her, er...coaxing her..., er, politely asking her to whip up a post (in all her spare time) about her plans for the summer. I'm sure we're all looking forward to reading about her plans and then copying them, er, adapting them to my, er, ONES situation. : )

So yes, I am a librarian and so yes, how does this benefit you in any way, shape or form? Well...no way, really. Although I must say that I do read some darn good books that are of interest to children from about age five to about age 12. My current read is the most clever and most touching little gem (also a Newbery Honor book --Newbery Medal/Honor --> award(s) given annually to the most distinguished work of literature for children published by a U.S. citizen or resident--): The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate written by Jacqueline Tate: a doctor, lawyer, and now novelist {see *spare time* above}.

It is 1899, it is Texas, it is hot and Calpurnia Tate has become an apprentice of sorts to her naturalist grandfather. This is a wonderful work of observation and study of the natural world, folded together with an 11 year-old's view of life at the turn of the century.  If you liked the feel and tone of The Seven Wonders of Sassafras Springs, Love, Ruby Lavender or A Year Down Yonder, I do believe that you will thoroughly enjoy this book as well. 

1 comment:

Dayna said...

I am so glad you are loving this. I LOVED every word...and so wished I was a young girl again...or better yet Calpurnia's next door neighbor.

Can not wait till LittleA is older so I can read this one with her!!