Sunday, January 25, 2009

Slowly but Surely

I'm getting back on the Green bandwagon. I took my reusable totes to the grocery store this morning, and I must confess, dear friends, that it has been a long time since I have done so. This time I noticed that I received a .05 credit for each bag and that it seems most customers were bringing their own bags. Ah, what transformation while I slept. :)

Today I tried some Garbage Gardening by planting the seeds that I scooped out of some cucumbers. I just dumped them all wet and slimy into a pot of dirt. We shall see, my friends, we shall see.

SaltandChocolate, one of my favorite blogs, has an adorable Valentine's Day craft. I am truly a sucker for that holiday, truly.

Pip and Sprout are growing like weeds - Pip is very into Legoing and I just bought Sprout her first pair of ballet shoes. Sniff, sniff.


Mary Beth said...

Hi Amy. You are very sweet to link to me. Thanks! Also, awesome "garbage gardening" link. Very interesting stuff. Let us know how yours turns out.

ames said...

I'm guilty too! I don't even know how long my reusable bags have been on the coat rack at home rather than in my car and carrying groceries. I hope more checkout people know about the discount now...

Carrie said...

I have bags. They are in my car even. But I still forget to take them IN the store about 90% of the time. Baby steps.